Thursday, 8 August 2013

Handing over handmades

Recent posts about upcoming birthday gifts have got me thinking about how I present finished handmades to the children.

I quote myself:
I make things for the girls all the time.  Once I'm finished, I just go, "Here you go, here's a dress/skirt/whatever", they put it on, I take a photo.  Done.  ...   Should I be making more of an occasion of giving the things I make them... ?
Perhaps the same should go for shopping for RTW clothing for them.  Getting new clothes is special, no matter where or how they are made.  I should be making it special for them.

Both girls are really sweet about the handmades.  They love them, they choose to wear them all the time.  When I made the red dress, I got the sweetest handwritten note as a thank you note.  Completely unprompted.  I keep it in my sewing box.

It is also really fun to involve them in the choices about what I am making.  (Of course, I only present choices where I am fine with either outcome!)   E chose the fabric for their daisy dresses from a selection that I had compiled online, she chose the puffy sleeve design for her red dress and there are many details that I can include which increase the choice and personalisation of the garment.  It is a great introduction to sewing and garment construction for them, plus, it increases the chances of them choosing to wear the finished product.

One of my most gratifying makes ever, was when little one asked me, so sweetly, to please knit her a skirt.  She saw me knitting all the time and she decided that was what she would like.  It was as though I could tangibly prove my love by producing a skirt.  I did it with pleasure.  It was so enthusiastically received that I can't wait to give her more, and more, and more.  A hat! A dress! A scarf!

But back to the presentation question.  I've decided it is ok to keep some makes back in the month leading up to a birthday.  At other times of the year, I'm not going to giftwrap them but some kind of "specialness" is worthy of creating.  The photoshoots help, we don't photograph their everyday outfits.  Actually, their father is wonderful at making a fuss of their handmade clothes.  He is so sweet.  When they bring him an outfit to show him, he makes a big deal of how nice it is and he tells other people if I've made an outfit when we are out and about.  I'm grateful because it is so nice to be acknowledged for a skill.  (I've not tested his enthusiasm with any handmades of his own yet!)

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